Functions of Flight Safety Directorate (FSD)
- + Developing and continuing review of national standards and practices relating to Annex 1,2, 6,7,8, 18 and 19;
+ Promulgating functional direction for the regulation of foreign air operators operating in and out of Timor-Leste;
+ Developing and proposing to President of AACTL for issuing Orders, Directives ,Notices, Advisory and Safety Circulars and guidance material relating to Flight Safety Standards;
+ Amending the Flight Safety Standards and Personal Licensing standards when necessary, based on international developments and in accordance with received State Letters;
+ Develop a manuals/handbook and procedures for safety inspectors;
+ Develop respective guidance materials for industry;
+ Implement and ensure the procedures for acceptance or validation of special flight permits issued by foreign
CAA to allow flights of not air worthy aircraft under specific conditions and/or limitations;
- + Receiving, recording, reviewing and processing the formal application for an Air Operator Certificate (AOC), including initial inspection covering the review of the Operator’s Manuals, on-site verification, inspection and testing of operator’s particulars, facilities and equipment and procedures;
+ Proposing to President of AACTL for the consideration to grant, refusal, cancelation or suspension of an Air Operator Certificate;
+ Define and imposing respective operating authorization and restrictions under AOC’s operation specification;
+ Validation of foreign Air Operation Certificates for foreign operators that operate to/from and within Timor-Leste;
+ Establishment of foreign air operator surveillance programme and subsequently implementation and enforcement of the programme;
+ Receiving, reviewing and Issuing Airworthiness certificates for aircraft registered under Timor-Leste register;
+ Authorize private flights of foreign registered aircraft into national airspace;
+ Assign and manage the transponder codes assigned to national aircraft;
+ Issuing personal licenses for aircraft personnel;
+ Validation/Conversion of licenses issued by foreign authorities;
+ Certification/validation of Aircraft Maintenance Organization (AMO);
+ Certification/Validation of Aviation Training Organizations (ATO)
- + Timor-Leste Air Operator Certificate holders continuing surveillance;
+ Timor-Leste Operator’s Maintenance & Associated Management Support Systems;
+ Surveillance of foreign registered aircraft operating to/from and within Timor-Leste;
+ Ground Handling companies
- + Check and approve aerodrome Operational, Certification and Safety Management System Manuals;
+ Check and approve aircraft operator Manuals and other required manuals relating to issuing an AOC;
+ Check and approve the aircraft lease agreements concluded by the national operators
- + Participate in the investigation of accident/incident under request of Aviation Accident/Incident Investigation services (AAIS), when needed.
- + Monitoring implementation of Operator’s SMS, making available analysis/feedback relating to flight incident and promote a safety culture of respective stakeholders through safety programs, guidance and trainings;
+ Manage State Safety Programme
- + Regulate, monitor and enforce dangerous goods matters in Timor-Leste;
+ SpecifytoICAO, FSDasTimor-Leste appropriate authority responsible for dangerous goods.
- + Designate and specify to ICAO, the ICAO Focal Point with function to manage ICAO State Letters and liaise with concerned Directorates, external agencies and aviation industry and on the final response to the letter on behalf of Timor-Leste/AACTL;
+ Participating in ICAO cooperative programmes activities (COSCAP) working groups, seminars, conferences, on matter relating to international air services and the regulation thereof;